Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Story of D

So where have I been? School, work extracurricular activities, finances and my romantic life decided to all go haywire at the same time. My life has been teetering in and out of control. Finally, the dust is settling from the storm. Here is a lil insight of the romantic tip:

Things started to get a lil crazy when my suitemate E left for St. Croix. My life is on a completely new track. I’ve taken the advice from my friends and family: I took control of my life and removed B from the romantic file and made things platonic. Now there is a new guy in my life named D.

I met D through M. We were chatting in the hallway one day and he walked past. M did the quick introductions and we parted our ways. I am horrible with names and forgot his soon after. We were reacquainted just as they were about to leave.

His roommate, C, invited me to their last room party. I met C through M too earlier in the summer. I made a big deal about C not inviting me to the other parties that he hosted, so he made sure to invite me to the one the night before they left. That night, I reintroduced myself to D. We talked for a good little while. He seemed cool then.

I was sitting on C’s bed next to this girl. She wanted to put her number in her friends’ cell phones but she didn’t know how. For each phone, I gave her an example using my cell number. I thought that I had erased my info from all of the phones but I was mistaken.

I left my phone number on D’s phone by accident. The next day I received a text message inviting me to a group dinner. I didn’t know who was talking to me so I declined. The next day I got a text message asking if I was still in the building. When I returned to the East Towers and we decided to meet up. I saw D in the hallway, but I didn’t know that was who I was talking to via text message until he came by my room.

I definitely suppressed the look of surprise when D showed up to my room. He was dressed well. We talked for a really long time. When about 3 hours went by, we decided to go to Chinatown for dinner. I wanted to go to Hooters since I haven’t been since my birthday. He didn’t turn it down. No man in their right mind would turn down Hooters. So we went, we ate, the conversation was good, and HE paid. I ordered the most expensive thing on the menu and I didn’t even do it on purpose. We tried to hook up before I went out of town to the NAACP convention and he left for four weeks for Air Force ROTC Camp. It didn’t work out then. But things surely got cooking when he got back.

The night before D came back, he text messaged me and told me that he would call me when he got in. We hung out that Friday. We started off chilling in my room. I had a taste for seafood so we went to Phillips Seafood Restaurant down on the wharf for dinner. Again, we went, we ate, the conversation was good, and HE paid. I am thoroughly impressed at this point because our meals at Phillips were not cheap. And get this y’all, HE OPENS DOORS! (lol/smiles) He is truly a good guy.

On Sunday, we were supposed to go to his friend’s comedy performance. But that fell through. Instead, we watched comedic movies. I fixed dinner. I failed horribly at making a peach cobbler. But Wilson’s came to the rescue. I ran over there to pick up professional cobbler. He stayed until the wee hours of the morning. On Wednesday, we saw Four Brothers together. The film was AWESOME! Afterwards, I fed him again. On Thursday, we went to the National Mall. We sat on a blanket and played Uno for a while. Each game had a bet attached to it. We did cartwheels, screamed various phrases at the top of our lungs, sung silly songs and approached total strangers. It was a great time.

The Uno games gave way to staring into a cloudy night. Eventually silent was broken by conversation. During our conversation, we both learned that we had feelings for each other and that we both want to have a romantic relationship. After taking the “extended” path to his car, we returned to the Towers. I cooked again. We ate and truly cuddled for the first time. I felt so happy, content, and safe. It was great. There were sensitive kisses on the face, neck and arms. We shared a peck with the lips before he left early that morning.

When D and I kissed completely, it was purely magical. We were lying on my bed watching C-Span. I pecked his lips. (Oh so romantic! ( Then I looked in his eyes and started to stoke his face. Our pecks grew deeper and longer. He is a GREAT kisser. I can barely describe how it feels to be in his arms. Butterflies flutter in my stomach. My body quivers with nervous anxiousness. I can’t help but to smile on the inside and out. I love being with him. I think that I am falling in love. I can’t wait to see how this relationship progresses.

Things haven’t been all fun and games with us. But life is like that. Remember, the best things in life are worth fighting for. It seemed that when things seemed to be going well, they took a nosedive toward negativity. He was very perplexed. On his drive over he told me that he had something very serious to talk to me about. We discussed it before he even arrived. He was having a hard time dealing with a personal situation. At first, I was upset and tired of having my patience tested. But I heard the pain in his voice. Clearly, he wasn’t being selfish, his turmoil was genuine. My negativity instantly softened and I went into “cater to you” mode. (Note: This mode was enhanced when he made it over to the room, I saw the pain in his eyes. ) I absorbed his pain. What he needed was a friend. I wanted to be there for him as best I could. I was happy that I could be there for him in his moment of need. At that moment, I resolved it in myself that although I wanted to be with him, it that it would be better for me to do this for him as a friend and us not to be together than to rush him into a relationship and become his girlfriend.

That night, we prayed together for the first time. I wanted God to take his burden and make the choice clear. D prayed for strength and direction. He is very impressive physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I am intensely attracted to all of those sides of him. D is very spiritually grounded. No question about it, God is at the head of his life. That is definitely a plus. It makes me even more attracted to him. I want a God-fearing man. I hope D is it.

Even through all the turbulence, I was introduced to the parents. I was super nervous. I thought that they wouldn’t like me or that they would grill me alive. But none of that occurred. They are so nice! Here is how it went down: I met D at McDonalds and talked with some of the people in his French class at UDC. After that, we left for Woodbridge.

We took the extended route to his house because I-95 was a parking lot due to construction. We decided to take the side streets. I got the VA story of D. We drove past his old church, his high school and some of his favorite chill spots. We had the luxury of time because we decided on a night in instead of a night out. At first, we were going to go out to a dinner and a movie.

We rented the movie “Crash.” Mr. D's Dad made burgers and Mrs. D's Mom ordered pizza. We ate and laughed. (Note: His father and his sister are HILARIOUS!) We really hit it off. They really enjoyed the movie. We had an excellent conversation about the movie afterwards. I really like them. It seems like they like me. I sent them a thank you card on Monday. Hopefully, it sends the right message and I am invited back soon. After that visit, D told me that he was close to making a decision and that I would know by Wednesday where our relationship was heading.

On Tuesday, I saw D for a quick minute. I asked him if he would tell me about his final decision since he said that I would probably know before Wednesday. He said that it would be a surprise. He was very affectionate and had the starry eyed look. But I didn’t want to read too much into the situation. I went back to preparing myself for the worst and accepting the best if it comes.

So D made that commitment on Wed. It was technically 12:46 Thursday morning but I am calling it Wednesday because the sun had not risen again. We were lying in my bed and I asked him my favorite question “What are you thinking?” He responded with “yes.” I figured that he was saying “Yes, I want to be your boyfriend” but I asked him again for clarification. He broke it down that he wanted me to be his woman and for me to be his man.

Now that everything was official, I went forth to spread the good news. After phoning the necessary people, I also changed this status on my AIM account and Facebook profile. Here are the quotes that adorn my pages this week:

"9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? 12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
-Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

I have my "second"...I thank God for him...

"I Want To Give You My Breath, My Strength, My Will To Be Here
That's The Least I Can Do, Let Me Cater To You
Through The Good The Bad
The Ups And Downs
I'll Still Be Here For You
Let Me Cater To You
Cause You're Beautiful
I Love The Way You Are
Fulfill Your Every Desire
Your Wish Is My Command
I Want To Cater To My Man
Your Heart So Pure Your Love Shines Through
The Darkness We'll Get Through
Much Of Me Is You
I Want To Cater To My Man"-Destiny's Child”

I really, really, really like D. I am so happy that he is my boyfriend. Even more so, I am happy he is a spiritual man. Above everything, I love praying with him. Doing that together is such a beautiful experience. Getting on our knees, holding hands and placing ourselves, both collectively and separately, before God creates an indescribable, positive feeling. I want this relationship to work. I know that D and I have to potential to have something really great and long term. He’s such a good man. I do not want us to fail, especially not by our own hands. We must take this time to build a strong foundation. We must keep God at the center of our relationship. I hope that God blesses us together and separately and keeps us in line with His will/purpose for our lives.