Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A Good Relationship Takes Work

Gotta love the book in the bible the Song of Solomon. Here is another timely anecdote:

"2:15 Catch us the little foxes,
The little foxes that spoil the vines,
For our vines have tender grapes."

“The little foxes that spoil the vines” are life’s little problems that ruin growing love. Love cannot thrive where conflicts are allowed to go unresolved or overlooked. If we are to lay the foundation for a growing, flourishing relationship, we must seek to master the art of conflict resolution. Any healthy relationship requires communication and work. The “little foxes” or problems have to be dealt with so that a couple can continue to be close. If problems are not worked out, they can “spoil the vines” of romantic lovem which are very delicate and “tender.”

So we hit a snag…Communication broke down…Feelings are unknown…

Well, I’m listening to the Isley Brothers’ song “At Your Best.” I feel like I am singing this song to myself as well as having it sung to me. Here are the lyrics:

When I feel what I feel
Sometimes it's hard to tell you so
You may not be in the mood to learn what you think you know
There are times when I find
You want to keep yourself from me
When I don't have the strength;
I'm just a mirror of what I see
But at your best you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my life
Should you ever feel the need to wonder why
Let me know, let me know. . .
When you feel what you feel
Oh, how hard for me to understand
So many things have taken place before this love affair began
But if you feel, oh, like I feel
Confusion can give way to doubt
For there are times when I fall short of what I say,
What I say I'm all about, all about
But at your best you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my lif
eShould you ever feel the need to wonder why
Let me know, let me know. . .
Tell me what it is (Tell me what it is)
Make believe, no need to make believe
Look beyond your own (Look beyond your own)
Try and find another place for me
Cause. . .
But at your best you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my life
Should you ever feel the need to wonder why
Let me know, let me know. . .

Please let me know…use me. You don’t have to deal with these things on your own. That is why I am here. You don’t have to rely solely on yourself. Even though it would be uncomfortable for you to do so, please trust me. Open up to me. I want to be your shoulder to lean on and cry on but I can’t do that if you continue to shut me out.

In the meantime, until you trust me with this part of yourself, I will continue to be happy with the part of you I do have. I will pray for you and continue to be there for you to support me as you want me to be. If u need more space, let me know. If you need me to be close, let me know. (sigh)..just let me know.

I fully supplicate myself and acknowledge my imperfections. I am in this relationship for the long haul. Work will continue to be done on my areas of weakness. Communication is key. I’m in this for the long haul. You already know that I care for you a great deal. I will be patient with you. Please reciprocate…


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