Wednesday, July 27, 2005

So I’m Still the Old Shoe

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to be a guest on Hardball with Chris Matthews. For those of you who don’t know, Chris Matthews is a political analyst with a show on MSNBC. I was to discuss the CDA convention that just passed as well as the future of the Democratic Party from the perspective of a young, minority democrat. (Sidebar: Shout out to LJ for hooking a sista up. Networking works wonders. It’s all about whom you know, who knows what you can do and likes you. Girl, thanks for thinking highly of me. God will surely bless your future endeavors!) Unfortunately, I was unable to participate due to an organic chemistry exam.

My mentor told me that contemplating going to the interview was showing that I wasn’t committed to my job. He said that he is tired of me not being committed to my research. I don’t understand what he is talking about. I am committed. This is unbelievable. The attribute of commitment along with patience, politeness and sweetness are among the core compliments that I receive. I am not saying that it is impossible for me to be disloyal, impatient, rude and coarse. It is just highly unlikely.

How could he say that I am not committed? I get to work early. I return to work after class. Isn’t that commitment? I worked from home during the NAACP convention to gear up for the Undergraduate Research Symposium at Hampton U. the following weekend. Isn’t that commitment? I gave him the opportunity to object to my participation in the interview yesterday. Isn’t that commitment (and respect I might add)? (Sidebar: If I hadn’t given him the opportunity to object, it could be construed as me having loyalty issues. But I did ask. Ergo, that argument is not applicable.)

Before I told him about the interview, I asked him would it be okay if I took the afternoon off or if there was anything that he needed and/or wanted completed. He said no. I proceeded to tell him about the interview. Since it was cleared with him, the next step was to clear it with my organic chem prof. I would’ve been late to our exam if I participated in the interview. Dr. S told me that being late would be unacceptable. Although I disagreed, I had to respect his opinion. He still holds my potential A in his hands. After this mini meeting, I told Dr. A that I couldn’t do the interview and that my work schedule would not be affected. He said okay and left me alone all day.

This morning, he came in yelling at me about the lack of commitment keeping me from being productive. I explained to him that if I didn’t have the exam but I had work to do, I still wouldn’t have participated in the interview since working in the chemistry department is my primary concern. He wasn’t trying to hear it.

What was he talking about…“ lack of commitment keeping me from being productive”? I had nothing to do yesterday. If there was something he wanted me to do, I could have done it since I didn’t go to the interview. Instead, I studied for my organic chem exam all day long.

If I didn’t have that exam and I didn’t have anything to do at work, I would have taken that opportunity with Chris Matthews. Dr. A would have preferred for me to sit in a lab, an everyday occurrence, and do nothing instead of being interviewed by Chris Matthews, clearly a unique opportunity.

Shouldn’t he be proud of me? Why is he being like this? Please pray for me…


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