Thursday, July 14, 2005

Ball of Confusion

How am I feeling? I’m not too good. Why? I feel like my life is spinning out of control. Not that I need to remind any of you BUT reality sucks sometimes. What part of reality sucks today? It deals with my classes and something else. Thankfully, they are not together but separate. I’ve already discussed the other issue at LENGTH. I’m going to tackle the issue of my classes in this journal entry.

So what’s going on? I have been playing “devils advocate” with my Organic Chemistry 2 class. I got an A out of Organic Chemistry 1 with Dr. F. I was hoping for a repeat performance with him in summer session 2 BUT he decided to go teach in Africa. (Sidebar: On the one hand, I’m proud of him. Not everyone is invited to go teach at a University in Africa. That’s AMAZING! On the other hand, he screwed our class. We have to deal with a new professor for the second half of the two part course.) The new professor, Dr. S, took Dr. F’s place. Dr. S is hard to understand on many levels. To combat this issue, I have been attending Dr. M’s class in the morning. I gave myself the deadline of Fri to switch classes. In the meantime, I've been attending both the AM (Dr. M) class and the PM (Dr. S) class.

The PM class had an exam on Tuesday. I did horribly. The AM class had an exam on Wed. I did alright. (Sidebar: I am actually registered for the PM class) The AM teacher found out that I was attending both classes and yelled at me for doing it. He said that he would grade my exams and quizzes harder because of it. Why is the AM teacher so mad? He said that I shouldn’t try to make this easier on myself. In his head, I needed to make a decision during the original registration period and live with the consequences of it instead of handling it the way I did. By doing things my way, I am not breaking any rules. I cleared it with the Chemistry Department Chairman and the HU Office of Student Records. It’s all about self-preservation…

On the flipside, the PM teacher knows that I am attending both classes and applauds my effort. He said that he would work with me to try and get an ok grade. (Sidebar: What is an “ok grade”? I want an A, I’ll settle for a B if I have to.)

You may be asking yourself: why is she perplexed? Here is the answer: I’m faced with the decision of staying in the PM class (in which I’m doing horribly so far) and working WITH a prof who wants to help me OR switching (officially) to the AM class (in which I’m doing alright) and working AGAINST the prof who is going to make my life a living hell. Neither one of the options are great. Both have substantial risks attached I don’t know what to do.

I’ve been told to pray about it. I have done so already and will continue to do so. I prayed that I will make the right decision. The peace and happiness that I felt yesterday was the answer to my prayer (I thought). But it didn’t last long. Clearly, it wasn’t for real. Things have been made more complicated. My friend (thank you so much for being there “JW…hun…04”) told me: “I think u need to pray about it and then weigh out your options and consider the choice you think is best. If you are wise about your decision then it is the decision God wants you to do.”

I better get on my knees. When praises go up, blessings come down…


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