Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Problem With Horoscopes

I normally don't believe in horoscopes. Most of the time, they just aren’t applicable to your life. Every now and again they make sense. Yesterday, I was bored at work and decided to read my daily horoscope. Even though I read it for fun, it really was relevant for me.

Here was the Pisces horoscope for Wednesday, July 13:
“Ever hear the expression 'there are no victims, only volunteers'? Well, you're about to be posed with a choice: Whether to volunteer and risk being emotionally victimized or to cut your losses now and move on.”

This is VERY ironic. I lectured my brother this whole past weekend on choices. I told him that God granted us the gift of free will. The crux of the gift of free will is the responsibility that we must accept for our actions. My brother made his choice (bad); he is dealing with the consequences (baldness).

It seemed so easy to solve his problem. There were issues and possible solutions. Solutions were rationalized in terms of physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional ramifications. Although that may sound complex, it didn’t seem like it was when we (my parents and I) did it.

Turnabout is fair play. I have issues and possible solutions. My solutions have also been rationalized in terms of physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional ramifications. When it comes to solving my issues, I am experiencing GREAT difficulty choosing the resolution. (Sidebar: The fact that I am more analytical instead of emotional has A LOT to do with this I’m sure.)

This makes me uneasy because I am used to having a plan. I’ve never gone this long without a plan in its enfant stages at least. Everything I do is completely on the fly. I have never been this wishy-washy before in a decision. Things are normally clear. Even when they are not, I am confident in my final decision and I proceed to take action. I’m surely out of my comfort zone. I know that this is a great opportunity for personal growth and development. Jeez this is hard. (Sigh) I can't blame anyone but myself for this. I am the resaon why I am here. I have to choose...

Here was the Pisces horoscope for Tuesday, July 12:
Still completely and totally focused on one particular person (1)? Good -- because there's absolutely no doubt that the feeling is extremely mutual (2). Now's the time to make the rest of the world go away (3).

What did those numbers mean?
(1.) I thought that being completely and totally focused on one person was unhealthy.
(2.) Are my feelings truly mutual?
(3.) How do I make the rest of the world go away when it is falling apart?

I’m so confused…gosh darn horoscopes…


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