Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Shoe Recycling Syndrome

The bible says that there is nothing new under the sun. In school we are told to study history for it oftentimes repeats itself. What can I say about these adages? THEY WERE RIGHT!!! Let me fill you in:

When I first started my student researching job in the chemistry department it was wonderful. I was the new shoe on the block. My mentor and I had great communication and he held me in high esteem. Five months into the job, things have changed. I still love the research and the practical experience BUT everything is opposite. My mentor and I do not have good communication and he no longer holds me in high esteem. I am not the cool new shoe. Now, I am the ratty, old shoe.

Previous observations have allowed me to establish a pattern of behavior. I call it “shoe recycling syndrome.” When you get new shoes, there is a period of happiness. The owner enjoys, flaunts, and uses the new shoe often. Eventually, the new show is replaces by another new pair of kicks. Temporarily, it is forgotten and/or treated poorly by the owner. In time, the owner rediscovers the old shoe. He realizes that he can still use it. It sounds a little far-fetched but it is actually happening.

You see, when I was the new shoe, I noticed that Dr. A picked on one of his student researchers. He was very forgiving and understanding towards me at the time. She was the brunt of his negative energy. No one else really tasted it. I thought that she was getting what she deserved. When credit is due, you give it. When admonishment is due, you give that also. This principle was only a portion of the equation. Now that she is gone, I have taken her place. (Sidebar: Please understand that I am not claiming perfection. I am a human who makes mistakes. When I am wrong, I will admit it. The question is: does Dr. A react proportionally to our iniquities? I believe the answer is no.)

It just happened all of a sudden. I was momentarily in shock from being thrown into the closet. (Sidebar: I have never been treated the way I am being treated at the job anywhere else. I am not used to this. Even at home, my parents RARELY raised their voices at me. They talked to me. Dealing with this yelling situation is difficult. I’m just trying to adjust.) Now there is a new girl, she is the new girl. The older people are the respected old shoes. They showcase, unknowingly flaunt, their privilege with their carefree attitude and ease of mind. I try to be like them.

Each day, I put my best foot forward. The bible says:
“1Throw your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. 2Share what you have with seven, or even with eight, for you do not know what trouble may come on the earth. 3If the clouds are full, they pour out rain upon the earth. And if a tree falls to the south or to the north, wherever the tree falls, there it lies. 4He who watches the wind will not plant his seeds. And he who looks at the clouds will not gather the food. 5Just as you do not know the path of the wind or how the bones are made of a child yet to be born, so you do not know the work of God Who makes all things. 6Plant your seeds in the morning, and do not be lazy in the evening. You do not know which will grow well, the morning or evening planting, or if both of them alike will do well.” (Ecclesiastes 11: 1-6)
I know that this is a test and I meet every challenge head on. This will not beat me. It is only a phase. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing more is put on me than I can handle.

Despite, the shoe recycling syndrome, my mentor is pretty cool. I will give him his credit. He is intelligent and accomplished. He has a plan, although I don’t always understand it. I acknowledge that he is human as well. SRS is just one of his flaws. Just as I have a cooperating spirit to work with him, I pray for a cooperative spirit to take hold in him to work with me.

I can’t wait to become the old shoe…


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