Monday, February 06, 2006

A Journey into the Napptural World

September-I’ve been telling myself that I was going to stop yielding to the high price of perms (especially in DC) and the boringness of relaxed hair since the summer after my senior year. However, every six-eight weeks I was either in someone’s beauty shop or my own bathroom relaxing my hair. While reflecting on my goals and aspirations for my Howard experience, I realized that one of these goals was yet to be seriously attempted. I decided that it was time to give up the perm, try something new and go natural. At the beginning of the month, I started to do my research. The website told me that I had two options: the big chop or the growing it out. I knew that I didn’t want a TWA (teeny weeny afro) so I opted for option two. I still need the option of pinning my hair up and putting it into a ponytail. We'll see how this goes. IM SO EXCITED!

October-So, the plan was would simply grow my hair out and gradually cut off the relaxed ends. That died because of HU's Homecoming. Now our Homecomings are noteworthy. You have to be dressed to impress, fresh manicure, pedicure and skin soft as butter. All of that was in line but my 4 weeks of new growth just was not cutting it. I decided to indulge myself in a perm one last time. This had to be the cut off. I'm going natural dammit.

November-December- It's a JUNGLE IN HERE!!!!! It has been two months of pressing my new growth and it is still thick as hell. Unsatisfied with my current look, I decided to research transitioning hair styles. Since I was too broke to invest in braids of any sort I looked at practicing the straw set. I went to Giant and bought a super-sized tube of drinking straws. The setting lotion that I had bought on accident (it looked just like the conditioner.damn words.I should read I not in college?) Three hours later my hair was set and one hr later it had dried. My curly cues were shining and looking good. My mother, who was convinced that the "going natural" idea was a phase, scheduled a perm appointment for me. Slightly annoyed and perturbed, I changed my appointment to a professional straw set. I was hooked onto some tricks of the trade. Armed with new product and technique information, I went back to DC ready to wear the straw set out until my hair was long enough to cut.

January- Well I've been doing the straw set at home every week. Its getting easier. If uninterrupted, it takes me an hr to set and an hr to dry. I'm a pro. My new growth is getting longer and thicker. It is starting to stick out from my relaxed hair even in the straw set. Plus, I'm, tired of the curly look. I want to have the ability to press my hair and have it look half decent in a ponytail. My online research led me in the direction of a product called the Naturalaxer. It is not a chemical relaxer. It uses natural ingredients to relax the curl, make the hair softer, and easier to comb. As soon as I get paid, I'm am going to order it and get prepared to wash and wear my hair.

February-"Just got paid, its Friday night. Party jumping. Feeling right!" So I ordered my Naturalaxer a few days ago. The last time I looked at my hair I could tell that certain portions of it were damaged and uneven from my straw set days. I am preparing myself for a serious trim. am going to trust someone in DC with scissors on my hair...WHOO HOO! I love hair adventures. My goal is too keep as much length as possible. For an idea of the look that I am going for: think Gabrielle Union in breaking all the rules..OOH SEXY!