The Butterfly Effect
I didn't take that quote seriously when I watched the movie "The Butterfly Effect". I am here to testfy that such a thing can occur. Everything is connected...
This morning was Katie Couric's last day on NBC's Today Show. As the avid fan I am, I watched her blooper reels, compilation of her great stories & the glowing remarks of her coanchors. Katie & I(along with the rest of America...tehehe)shared 15 good years. Each major story she covered was a benchmark for my life. I remember who I was in my development for each of those years. Its amazing how someone you've never met enlightened you & helped you grow.
What is even more amazing is her own story. I learned for the first time this morning that the President of CNN told her that she should never be in front of the camera again back in the early 90s. Now she is one of the most powerful & influential newscasters about to transcend her current status.
That was so inspiring to me! People have expressed similar negative sentiments to me & the people I love both through word & deed. The enemy is constantly trying to opress us!However, by the grace of God we are going on anyway. I haven't had my major breakthrough (well breakthroughs as Katie has.) But in each small, intangible, moral victory, I rejoice. I know who I am & who's I am. I thank God for exposing me to people who have been where I am & have felt how I feel. Everything is going to be ok & go according to His plan. (What a comforting thought!)He didn't bring me this far to leave me...