Friday, August 31, 2012

Lounge Life...

...Sipping on peach champagne listening to this on repeat on iTunes:

Time will tell, won't it? *winks*

Thursday, August 30, 2012

aMAZEd by Locks & Keys

CT wrote a short blog yesterday entitled “Feeling Amazing Today.” He posted a link to Trey Songz’s “Simply Amazing” with the brief comment: “I am feeling this song right now. That’s all I have for now. SN: I wrote a poem for the first time since my heartbreak situation, that’s a good feeling.” Here is the video for you:

Listening to the song, thinking about how I want to hear this poem, considering the recent 4 hr and 16 min FaceTime conversation, (SN: in short, “the totality of the circumstances”…LOLOL DAWSON) the estrogen that I try to keep at bay has me struggling to stay out of pool of Velveeta that is consuming my chest.

The fact that I've been thinking a lot about treasure, locks and keys lately only seems to serve to intensify the estrogen/Velveeta specialness. While I'm sure this sounds like the background for the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie (or preparation for an excellent lunch), it actually comes from a sermon Pastor Andy Thompson preached at World Overcomers Christian Church in Durham, NC a few Sundays ago. You see, our church theme this year is KINGDOM. On July 29, 2012, Pastor Andy preached a sermon entitled “Keys to the Kingdom” (WATCH HERE:

While there were passages shared in Isaiah and Matthew, there was a focus on the scripture Matthew 16:19:  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” What struck a chord with me was when Pastor Andy said keys are indicative of ownership, possession and authority. I am humbled that the Lord has vested that responsibility and honor in His believers. I believe this lock and key imagery and message can apply to other areas of my life.

In my meditation on this sermon, I delved deeper into what keys do by looking at the definition:  "key [kee] noun, plural keys, adjective, verb, keyed, key·ing.

1. a small metal instrument specially cut to fit into a lock and move its bolt.
2. any of various devices resembling or functioning as a key: the key of a clock.
4. something that affords a means of access: the key to
5. something that secures or controls entrance to a place: Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean."
[FROM: ]

Next, I decided to continue my search on to for a formal definition of the companion phrase: "lock [lok]
1. a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc. 

It doesn’t seem like I can escape the lock and key imagery. This morning, while reading chapter four in the Song of Solomon (SN: As I often do when I am feeling romantic), there was lock and key imagery there as well: “12 You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.”

Between Pastor Andy’s sermon, the lock and key definitions as well as this text from the Song of Solomon, I think this is one of those situations where God’s comedic side is apparent. I heard a sermon years ago where the pastor told us that sometimes we miss the blessing looking for a gift wrapped in a red bow delivered at our front door when what God intends for us is in an unassuming package at our window. (SN: It makes me think of one of my favorite quotes from the Sound of Music when Maria said “when the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.”) I’m thinking God has purposefully closed doors and intentionally has not delivered my bow-wrapped gift at my front door because it’s supposed to come in a form different than what I’m expecting at my window!!! (SN: DING! DING!! DING!!! DING!!! DING!!!!! #message *wink*)

When it comes to dating and relationships, I unequivocally believe two people must be whole before they can create something new and wonderful together. Up to this point, my mind has been fixated on the two whole pieces being a lock and a key. While I do not believe a woman should find her man (SN: I believe a woman should put herself in a position to be found based on Proverbs 18:22 “[t]he man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD.” on the New Living Translation (©2007)), it may have been incorrect on my part to “look” for (i.e. hope to be found by) a key for all these years. Given the realities my current situation, maybe what I need is another similarly situated lock.

Two similarly situated locks can help the other gain perspective. I cannot look at my own tongue without a mirror or someone outside of myself because I lack the proper perspective. Two similarly situated locks can look into each other and see what the other cannot. The individual and collective revelation is likely to serve as a key of sorts to unlock the individual and collective potential within. (SN: In my interactions with CT so far, I’ve noticed our NUMEROUS similarities. That is helpful for our interactions because it limits potential for conflict between the two of us and insightful for my interactions with other people because now I see how my actions may be received by a third party. For all of this I am thankful!! *SMILES*)

Moreover, perhaps another reason why I don’t need my future husband to be my key is because God is the master locksmith. As He is Alpha & Omega, He created and stowed treasure within each of us. God fashioned the lock that protects us from the enemy's attempts to kill, steal & destroy our treasure. God holds the key to unlock our treasure and release it in service of those who are in need as well as the promotion of His kingdom. Perhaps the reason I need a similarly situated lock is for God to connect us by being the key that unlocks (SN: either simultaneously or in concert) the treasure we are supposed to share with each other as well as God’s kingdom.

DISCLAIMER-> Now, ALL of this is just an unsubstantiated theory. IDK CT’s reason and season for being in my life (and vice versa). I’m not going to jump the gun or the broom anytime soon (TEHEHEHE). But, HONESTLY, these past few weeks have been simply amazing. I look forward to walking in the steps God has ordered for us, both individually and collectively.

God’s will be done…AMEN :-D

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


For real this time...*wink*