Thursday, June 02, 2005

Organic Chemistry Exam 1

My Feelings:
Yesterday was the day I took my first organic chemistry exam for the summer session
Despite all of my study efforts I could not help but to leave the exam room feeling some depression
It wasn’t a slam dunk. I’m not sure that I did well
I feel the same as I did last semester…on the past I should not dwell
For this exam I prepared the same way I did previously
Two days a week I meet with the professor, I read ahead anxiously
Every night I do the homework problems, I have a study buddy too
The night before the exam I went to the library and studied almost until two
As I await the results I teeter between optimism and despair
I find myself not breathing and gasping for air
Clearly I’m drowning in a situation that I have designed
I pushed myself off of the boat, I’m the reason I’m not fine
This lifeguard needs a lifeguard to lend a helping hand
To throw a buoy or something, bring this wayward soul back to land
Yes these are the rantings of a pseudo-geek with a grade “A” fixation
I have standards (Damn it!) and I wish to achieve near-perfection
I have a modified definition of failure, for academics it’s a “C”
In all other aspects failure is being mediocre. I am not a girl who’s ordinary
However, I am not flawless either, many blemishes can be found
We are all made in His image of perfection, but we all fall short of His crown
I’m not trying to make it seem as if failure is not a part of my life (Rest assured it is)
I’m just like everyone else who is forced to eat humble pie; I’m experiencing a little strife.

The explanation:
Chemistry has always been my Achilles’ heel. I had to drop General Chemistry 1 and retake it. It was the first time I actually couldn’t perform well in a course. It was a COMPLETE SHOCK to my system. I hoped that I wouldn’t have to do the same for Organic Chemistry, but I was wrong. I was getting a D in the course during the spring semester, I was DEVASTATED. What made it worse was my professor telling me that I was on track and performing well. Clearly he was on drugs OR he was underestimating my potential. With a heavy heart and lots of consternation I dropped the class. Now I’m in summer school. I’m determined to make the best out of this stressful situation. I’m paying with my MONEY (jeez summer school is EXPENSIVE), my time and my energy. There better be a return on my investment.

The verdict:
We got our exams back today. I dud much better than I thought….I GOT A 96%....SLAM DUNK! (It barely touched the net…)


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