Monday, September 24, 2012


...last week was full of yellow "just because."

Flashback # 1-> Soror C gave me a yellow rose last Wednesday:

(SN: Yellow roses symbolize joy, gladness, friendship, delight, promise of a new beginning, welcome back, remember me, "I care"; from

Flashback #2-> TJ gave me yellow calla lilies last Sunday:

->YAY FOR RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS!!! <- strong="strong">

All of this yellow makes me feel like the little girl in this picture:

[BTW, the caption is so very true! It is my sincere hope that others will share the joy of yellow and demonstrate appreciation for those in their lives for whom care they care (and who care about them)!! I know it's cliche BUT be sure to PAY IT FORWARD!!! *smiles*]

Soundtrack->I'm in the mood to listen to Coldplay's "Yellow":



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