Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life

During the still quietness of Christmas morning, I'm watching "It's a Wonderful Life" on DVD as the rest of the fam sleeps. I LOVE THIS FILM!!! [SIDE NOTE: I thought about this after Chris Matthews mentioned how The Union likened John Boehner to Mr. Potter in the sideshow on Hardball. See the clip here: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/hardball/50252291/]

Here is one of my favorite scenes from "It's a Wonderful Life":

[SIDE NOTE: the scene reminds me of this verse sung by Tammi Terrell and Cheryl Lynn in "If This World Were Mine":

"If this world were mine, I'd make you a king
With wealth untold, you could have anything
If this world were mine
I'd give you each day so sunny and blue
If you wanted the moonlight, I'd give you that too
If this world were mine
I'd give you anything"

Yes, my inner romantic lives.]

Unfortunately, the bright-eye, bushy-tail, romantic George Bailey lost his zeal for his existence. But, with divine intervention, George found the hope and faith he lost and realized he had, in fact, a wonderful life.

I have come to admire those whose spirits overflow with positivity and thankfulness. In this life full of challenges, pains and disappointments, it is important to have the ability to find the silver lining in an otherwise dull/gloomy sky. While I'm generally not a Complaining Connie, sometimes it's hard to be happy about the flower growing out from under the ashes of a forest destroyed by fire. But, this movie (and a heaven-sent influence) has reminded me there is good even in bad situations. Even with its flaws, my life is wonderful. On the day we celebrate God giving us the gift of His son Jesus, I'm thankful for the gift of my wonderful life and all of the wonderful ppl in it.

*cues Nat King Cole's "Christmas Song"*

"And so I'm offering this simple phrase,
To kids from one to ninety-two,
Although its been said many times, many ways,
A very Merry Christmas to you"


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