Friday, November 23, 2012


Earlier this week, I watched Steve Carell in "Crazy Stupid Love" for the first time. The movie was so sweet! What made it better was the fact I watched the movie with my sweetie. It was especially insightful because this quote from the movie spoke to me after a series of less than ideal interactions/conversations:
"I met my soul mate when I was fifteen years old and I have loved her every minute, of every day since I first bought her that mint chocolate chip cone. I have loved her through the birth of our children… I have loved her even when I hated her – only married couples will understand that one. And I don’t know if it’s gonna work out… But I can promise you this, I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one, you never give up. “
- Cal – Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)
While not all of this quote applies to me/us (for example: we aren't married with children AND I broke out in hives the last time I had dairy so no mint chocolate chip cone over here without an anti-histamine nearby...LOL), it spoke to me when Steve Carell's character said "I loved her even when I hated her."  Now, I did NOT fall out of love and into hate this week. BUT, my life was definitely more of a drama and less of a rom com these past few days. What was WONDERFULLY INTERESTING was even though I was upset, when I closed my eyes, I started singing:
I think the hallmark of a strong relationship is seeing the sun when it rains. Even though we experienced a mini monsoon this week, being with TJ makes me want to do that. As Babyface sang:

With you baby, it never rains and it's no wonder
The sun always shines when I'm near you
It's just a blessing that I have found somebody like you

And every time I close my eyes
I thank the Lord that I've got you
And you've got me too
And every time I think of it
I pinch myself cause
I don't believe it's true
That someone like you
Loves me too
It was my hope that our first Thanksgiving Day experience would bring us closer together. Ultimately, that is what happened. I fell more in love after all was said and done. I am truly thankful for my TJ. Like Steve Carell's character said: "...I don’t know if it’s gonna work out… But I can promise you this, I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one, you never give up."
I'm not sure if TJ is the one. BUT, TJ is a great one at this point in my life. I believe TJ and I are building an unconditional love for each other. For this I feel:



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