Tuesday, October 02, 2012

One Week from Today...

...I'll be taking my one and only mid-term for my 2L fall semester. 

(SIDE NOTE: Lowkey, this realization hit me like a ton of bricks and, honestly, I became I'm a little nervous. *frowns* I cannot believe I took FOUR of these last year! BUT, I'm going to channel this energy into excitement and being productive in my exam preparations. I've been through this before. AND THROUGH CHRIST WHO STENGTHENS ME I CAN DO IT AGAIN!! *smiles*)

To get my head into the proper frame of mind for my one mid-term next week (and my five finals at the end of the semester), I watched one of my favorite inspirational videos while making breakfast:


“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.”
― Eric Thomas, The Secret To Success 

(SIDE NOTE: The full speech by Eric Thomas "the hip hop preacher" can be found here:

I chose to post the video with ECU's Giavanni Ruffin because I think it visually demonstrates the commitment it takes to be successful. (SIDE NOTE: NOT that I can replicate what he did myself. Heaven knows I can neither bench press a feather nor run backwards up a hill…tehehehe!!!) Moreover, I admire the discipline that it takes to achieve excellence in sports. I believe the lessons are transferable in the academic setting I currently find myself in. 

Time to rev my studying ALL the way up. Gotta want this A on the Con Law mid-term more than I want to breathe. I pray my sorors, mentees and other colleagues: center themselves; study smarter NOT harder; and proceed with faith on their exams as well :-D



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