Thursday, October 11, 2012

Style vs. Substance

As I prepare to go to bed after watching the debate between Vice President Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) this evening, I feel compelled to muse about last week’s first Presidential Debate of the 2012 election cycle. (SIDE NOTE: I really wanted to post a blog last week, but I already sacrificed precious time to watch the debate in the first place and knew I would have the opportunity to share my thoughts AFTER my exam.)

Last week’s debate between President Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) was the ultimate fight between style and substance. I saw zealous and vague vs. calm and specific. To be honest, it was a FRUSTRATING AND PAINFUL experience for me. Order was held hostage by a surprisingly passionate, out of touch, misinformed character. Truth was drowned out by “zingers”, ambiguous responses and outright lies. My fingers almost fell off from all of the fact checking via Google and the tweeting/retweeting of commentary during that 90 minute calamity.

Initially, I was disappointed because of the optics and perceived outcome. While I am willing to concede Romney may have won the battle based on aesthetics, I believe President Obama won the battle based on substance. 

So who do I think ULTIMATELY won? MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell said it best during the rewrite segment on his show “The Last Word” last Thursday evening:


(SIDE NOTE: I will certainly keep Lawrence O’Donnell's comments in mind for the rest of the political debate season *smiles*)
BTW, I think it’s symbolically appropriate that today is 10/11/12. What a perfect numerical reminder of where we as the UNITED STATES need to be going-> FORWARD *winks*


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