Saturday, October 22, 2005

Meeting the Parents

So my parents met D during Homecoming weekend. The initial meeting went well. If I do say so myself: “it was a success!” Can you say SCORE? (Tehehehehe.)

The specifics:
It was the 3rd Friday in October. D was in Douglas getting his grub on when I got the phone call from my mother to meet her at her beloved tree. (Side note: What a coincidence, on my way there, I saw my cousin who is a newly married HU Alum by the good tree as well.) I found my mother. Then, I introduced D to her. Instead of the characteristic handshake, D got a hearty hug from the maternal unit. (Slight shock.)

Not surprisingly, the little brother wasn’t as nice as my mother. He quickly sized my D up against my last bf, began asking him questions about himself, and threatening him if he hurt me before he even said hello. (Side note: Aren’t lil bros gr8? He’s only twelve and he has the “provide, protect and defend” mantra engrained in his being!)

Next was the big test, the initial meeting of the father. In order to safeguard himself from the ticket-happy HUCP, my father stayed with the car which was parked down the hill from Yardfest. I turned on “baby girl” mode and proceeded to run down the hill and jump into my father’s arms. D followed up behind me with my mother and brother. The two tests went well: I was happy and D had a strong handshake.

As we finalized dinner plans in the car, my father began to loosen up and joke around with D. What followed was absolutely hilarious. My father asked D to hold a cup as my mother put a date and time on a Ziploc bag. Obedient, D followed instructions. Carefully, the cup was put into the Ziploc bag. My father joked that if D ever got outta line that P.A.P.A agency had his fingerprints, picture (from the ROTC website online discovered over the summer) and basic information was on file (from the “Parental Questionnaire Form on D” that was emailed over the summer.) (Side note: As you can tell, my parents don’t play!)

This was surely different from the last time. My parents were not as jovial with my ex-bf, especially, not at the first meeting. They were certainly cordial and respectful at best. (Side note: The past is the past…(Sigh)... With everything we go through it prepares us for the future. I learned about myself and I can wait to apply what I have learned as well as learn more about myself and my current love interest.)

Dinner was great. The food was delicious. The conversation was amusing and insightful. The company was diverse and intriguing. Everyone was gelling like a heaping helping of Bill Cosby’s famed Jell-O. On the ride to dinner, my bro and D had some “male bonding time.” In the quick minute I was gone meeting out other guests, they already had code words, nicknames and inside jokes. That is creepy and comforting all at the same time.

After dinner, we returned to my uncle’s house in MD. After unpacking out bags, D and my dad had some one-on-on time outside. Initially, I was afraid. But from what I could tell it wasn’t a bad convo to be had. When the conversation was completed, D returned inside with my father. Honestly, this was a relief. In a worst case scenario my father could have opened the door alone and brainwashed me into believing D was only a figment of my imagination. (LOL/JK)

All in all, I cannot complain. To quote a good film “this looks like the beginning of a great relationship.”…As my father prepared to drop me off the next morning, he gave me a hearty hug and whispered in my ear “thank you for bringing me a good man with backbone.” (Smiles)

I thank God for bringing me a good man.


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