Friday, June 10, 2005

Two CRAZYE Nights!

The past few nights have been WONDERFUL! Let me get you all caught up on the wonderful life that I have led-

Tuesday Night:

My bf and I celebrated our one-year anniversary on June 7, 2005. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. We talked and took pictures. A life-long dream was realized. I always wanted to order steak from a restaurant. I always looked at the steak and wondered what it would be like to partake in such a meal. In my head, steak was for grown people. I was always told that I was “too young” to order it when I went to dinner with my family. I GOT MY WISH (Oh yea…seasoned skirt steak…BABY!) It was SOOOOO good (not better than my steak though…hehehe…you got that Bran-man?). YAY STEAK!

I felt so special. Even though our relationship has had its ups and downs, I’m glad that we are still together. I really hope that we can get back to how things once were. It will be a struggle but I’m not afraid to work for what I want. Our gifts were nice. I bought a card, compiled a discography of our relationship, and I will be getting him a Tupac book and a fitted hat and/or T-shirt. He bought me a card, a half dozen roses, put my name on the waiting list to get the Harry Potter book the day it comes out, and there may be “something else” (as he calls it) and he paid for dinner. YAY LOVE!

Wednesday Night:
I attended the “Rock the Vote” Awards on June 8, 2005. It was the 15th Anniversary of the organization. For those of you who don’t know, Rock the Vote is a non-profit, non-partisan organization, founded in 1990 in response to a wave of attacks on freedom of speech and artistic expression. It engages youth in the political process by incorporating the entertainment community and youth culture into its activities. I was the “Honored Guest” of LaToia Jones, the Executive Director of College Democrats of America/Director of Campus Outreach for the Democratic National Committee. YAY CONNECTIONS!

My partner in crime/Presidential Candidate in 2024, L. N. Myers, was present at the event with me. We definitely looked the part in our cute “after five”-ish dresses. We brought a bunch of business cards and distributed nearly all of them. I met so many people: DNC employees, the Future Democratic Leaders of America a.k.a. the Senate/House of Representatives Interns. I took pictures with the power players: John McCain, Barrack Obama, Gwen Moore (My Representative), and other important democrats. I definitely want a life in politics. I can’t wait until going to events like that as a power player (the person everyone wants to meet). That will be my life. It will be hard work but I plan on living/working/playing in the American political center that is Washington, DC. YAY HEALTH POLICY!

Well there was an after party at Dream Night Club. The Black Eyed Peas and Nikko Costa performed. It was SOOO CRUNK! I felt kinda bad that my bf wasn’t there. I knew he would want me to have fun as long as I don’t break our mutually agreed upon rules: 1.) Don’t get drunk to the point of incoherence; 2.) Don’t dance on the wall; 3.) Don’t dance on the floor; 4.) Don’t feel up or get felt up; 5.) Don’t be a dud…HAVE FUN!!! There was some dancing. I didn’t do anything that would get me in trouble. (THANK GOODNESS for the I mainly sipped on the “sizzurp” and networked (I realize now that is the best combination of business and pleasure). YAY BEING GROWN (and SEXY)!

Thursday Night:
I was exhausted from Tuesday and Wednesday's activities. I took frequent naps. YAY SLEEP!


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