Tuesday, November 01, 2005


So I’m mad again…

I used to think that my ex-bf was crazy when he said that he was an equal opportunity hater, but now I am beginning to see the light in his thought process. While I do think that hate itself is bad, the anger I feel right now is natural. You would be livid too if ur life was like mine.

Almost EVERYONE has pissed me off in the last few hours. A blanket of negativity is encircling me and my activities. I want to shake this monkey off my back but it won’t let go.

Here are some things on my mind:
*Why do “GROWN” women have to be so STUPID & CHILDISH?
**Why do I take relationships so seriously?
Random thoughts: I WANT US TO OVERCOME EVERYTHING TOGETHER. I truly believe that we can get thru anything that comes up against us in the present and future as long as we have God as the center of our lives/relationship and good communication between each other. This pledge of dedication and patience may be hard to fathom since we are only dating. My ex-bf and parents have all told me that I tend to act like I’m married when clearly I’m single(i.e. only in a relationship) according to the U.S. Govt. I just want to make things work for the long haul and I want you to do the same. The only problem is both ppl must want it and work hard equally to obtain and maintain the relationship. I’ve already been in a one-sided relationship. This meant that I was the only person who believed and worked at the relationship. I pray, this doesn’t happen again. I like D too much for that. At least now the dilemma isn’t lack of attraction or will to work on the relationship. Lack of time and the subsequent energy are holding us back.
Why can’t you just talk to me (WITHOUT PUTTING THINGS OFF)?

As my papa and mom reminded me:
“If it don’t fit don’t force it, relax and let it go.”
“Think about it. Pray about it.”

My response:
“I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and all of the drama in it.”
“Life is constantly changing. Various people, places & things are put into our lives. They bring various emotions that fluctuate with earthquake proportions. Sometimes they stay for a season, or they may stay for the duration of our lives. It is important to see these people for who they are & what they mean for your life. Sometimes the separation means more good than harm either for u, the person, or your relationship.”

My bible tells me:
"Peace, I leave with you. My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth you, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it not be afraid." (John 14:27)


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